Is Listary an efficient tool?

what is Listary?

Listary is a revolutionary search utility for Windows that makes finding your files and launching applications blazing fast, for casual and power users alike!

Why use it ?

During daily usage of our PC , using mouse sometimes prevent right hands from operating the keyboard , and for this reason, this way of operating PC is of low efficiency.


Enter the website , download and install ( click me o(=•ェ•=)m )


Or if you prefer scoop

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install extras/listary

Follow the guide

Scoop allow you to use listary to open the software or file with a simple double-click of the Ctrl key.

Type in listary and then you get what you want.

Above that,there’s also a key feature of listary that you can easily open the folder you have opened when you are using the file explorer.